Transforming the way business and data teams collaborate
TL;DR: Marketing Mix Models (MMM) are data science models designed to help marketers understand the impact of features, such as spend by channel, have on sales. MMMs are a powerful way to disambiguate the signal the noise and study the impact of various factors on sales. You can take a few different approaches for marketing mix modeling depending on your data and the relationship between your variables, and with Python and AI it's easier than ever to create and experiment with your own custom models.
At its core, a Marketing Mix Model (MMM) is a statistical framework that tries to explain the relationship between your marketing spend across various channels and the resulting business outcomes—most commonly, sales. By analyzing historical data (spanning several weeks, months, or even years), MMMs aim to break down the contribution of each channel.
Building a marketing mix model typically looks something like this:
Modern MMMs often incorporate advanced algorithms and are integrated into broader marketing mix model software solutions or advanced data analysis platforms designed for data scientists and analysts. These platforms automate data collection, cleaning, and modeling tasks, helping marketers get reliable results faster.
In this article, we’ll introduce you to marketing mix models, talk about who should use them and provide a practical step-by-step guide to building your first model. If you want to jump right into how to build a model you can skip ahead or check out this tutorial video:
Marketing mix models are invaluable for several reasons:
A note on marketing attribution vs MMM: If you’re tracking where clicks are coming from (say Google Ads vs Facebook Ads in our example above), why use marketing mix models? If you’re running primarily digital campaigns and only need to track direct online conversions, UTM parameters plus standard attribution tools may be sufficient. However, if you want a holistic view of how all your marketing efforts (including offline and brand-building activities) drive sales or conversions, then a Marketing Mix Model (MMM) becomes extremely valuable.
In the step-by-step marketing mix model tutorial down below, we’re going to show you how easy it is to use AI to create a custom model, however, interpreting the results in order to make the right tactical calls for marketing spend does require an understanding of how the models actually work. So even though it’s easy to build your first model, we recommend consulting with a data scientist to make sure the model if fit correctly and you’ve correctly interpreted the results.
AI is making data science much more accessible to the masses. In the past, you either had to have strong marketing data science experts to build models or you had to purchase marketing mix model software. Both have their downsides:
AI offers a great middle ground for organizations with data teams who want some customization but don’t want to overinvest in the MMM quite yet. AI can quickly generate these models and allow you to iterate and experiment quickly with little to no overhead. However, as mentioned above, interpreting the results and tuning the model properly does require some data science understanding.
Now that you understand the core concepts behind a marketing mix model, let’s build a simplified version as a marketing mix model example. We’ll use a sample data set that tracks weekly sales, weekly spend by channel, holidays, and promotions. Then we’ll build and tune an XGBoost model to predict weekly sales.
Here’s a video tutorial showing how we build a model step-by-step:
We’ll create a basic marketing mix model to understand how different marketing channels—specifically Social Media, TV, Radio, Google Ads, and Facebook Ads—impact weekly sales. We’ll also factor in holidays and promotions as binary variables (true/false) that may influence sales. By the end of this exercise, you’ll:
XGBoost is popular for its speed and predictive performance on tabular data, making it a powerful choice for marketing mix models where time and accuracy matter. Its gradient-boosting approach efficiently handles complex relationships and often outperforms traditional regression methods. However, alternatives such as LightGBM, CatBoost, or even classical methods like linear regression and random forest can also be used, depending on data size, complexity, and interpretability needs. We won’t go into much more detail on which model is best, but depending on the data you have at your disposal, AI can be a great companion to figure out which model is best suited for your use case.
For this marketing mix model software tutorial, assume we have a CSV file containing the following columns on a weekly basis for one year (52 weeks):
XGBoost is a gradient boosting framework that has gained immense popularity due to its efficiency and performance in structured data tasks—making it a great choice for building a marketing mix model.
Here’s a simplified example of how you might train an XGBoost model in Python:
import xgboost as xgb
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# Prepare features and target
features = ['Social_Media', 'TV', 'Radio', 'Google_Ads', 'Facebook_Ads', 'Promo_Run', 'Holiday']
X = dataframe1[features]
y = dataframe1['Sales']
# Split data for validation
X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
This snippet will specify the training (spend, promos and holidays) and target (sales) and split the data into training and test sets.
Then we need to train the data:
# Train with evaluation set
X_train, y_train,
eval_set=[(X_val, y_val)],
# Get feature importance
importance = model.feature_importances_
Now that we’ve trained model, we can identify the importance of each feature. This importance factor can then be used to visualize the impact each feature has on sales:
# Create bar plot
fig = go.Figure(go.Bar(
title='Feature Importance for Sales Prediction (Regularized Model)',
xaxis_title='Importance Score',
This will create a plot showing how a dollar spent in each channel impacts sales, or in the case of promos and holidays, how much each of those impacts sales.
Machine learning models can easily overfit, especially when the dataset is relatively small. Overfitting means the model memorizes patterns specific to the training set but fails to generalize to new data.
To address this, we can tune XGBoost hyperparameters:
Here’s an example of parameter tuning:
# Train XGBoost model with regularization
model = xgb.XGBRegressor(
max_depth=2, # Prevent deep trees
learning_rate=0.1, # Slower learning
reg_lambda=1.0, # L2 regularization
reg_alpha=0.1, # L1 regularization
Adding this before you train the model will change the parameters of the model. Each model has a “Goldilocks” of parameters which are complex enough to account for the detailed patterns in your data without overfitting and rendering the model useless.
By systematically exploring different parameter configurations, you can find the combination that minimizes your error on unseen data, thereby reducing the risk of overfitting.
Hint: This is another great opportunity to use AI. You can ask AI to generate plots showing the estimated importance of variables for different depth to see when the model starts losing its usefulness.
Once you have a tuned XGBoost model, it’s time to interpret the results and glean insights into your marketing channels’ effectiveness. Some methods to do this include:
If “TV” spend has the highest feature importance, for example, this suggests that TV might be the largest driver of incremental sales within the context of your historical data. However, you should analyze spend levels and ROI, because sometimes a channel can appear highly influential but may also be expensive. Understanding incremental impact and cost is crucial to making informed budget decisions.
This is also where you can forecast sales using the model generated above.
def predict_sales(social_media, tv, radio, google_ads, facebook_ads, promo_run, holiday):
# Convert boolean to int for model prediction
promo_int = 1 if promo_run else 0
holiday_int = 1 if holiday else 0
# Create input array
input_data = [[social_media, tv, radio, google_ads, facebook_ads, promo_int, holiday_int]]
# Make prediction
prediction = model.predict(input_data)[0]
return f"Predicted Sales: ${prediction:,.2f}"
# Example usage
social_media=100000, # Social media spend
tv=20000, # TV spend
radio=30000, # Radio spend
google_ads=20000, # Google Ads spend
facebook_ads=120000, # Facebook Ads spend
promo_run=True, # Promo running (True/False)
holiday=False # Holiday period (True/False)
In this simple Python script, we’re providing spend numbers and whether or not there’s a promo or holiday and using that information to predict sales. Of course, depending on your business you may want to add additional factor like seasonality, type of promo etc. but this should give you a good idea of where you can take this to put the insights into practice.
Building a marketing mix model is a powerful way to measure the effectiveness of your marketing channels and optimize your future spend. By harnessing a proven machine learning algorithm like XGBoost, you can quickly build, tune, and interpret a model that gives you actionable insights into how each dollar of marketing spend contributes to sales. This comprehensive approach can often be facilitated by marketing mix model software, which streamlines data collection, model building, and results interpretation.
Key takeaways
By applying these principles, you can build an MMM that not only provides a reliable framework for decision-making but also becomes a strategic asset in guiding cross-channel marketing investments. Whether you choose a custom solution (like the XGBoost-based approach outlined here) or invest in specialized marketing mix model software, the ultimate goal is the same: to make data-driven decisions that maximize your marketing ROI and propel your business forward. To start building your own marketing mix model in Fabi.ai, sign up and get started for free in less than 5 minutes.